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Austin Pond Society

Austin Pond Society Board Positions & Job Description

President/AAGC - oversees the general operation of the Austin Pond Society: as written in bylaws

Secretary - Records the business of the APS and maintains records required by the State of Texas: as written in bylaws

Treasurer - Has fiduciary responsibility of all APS funds: as written in bylaws

Parlimentarian - The parlimentarian shall also serve as the compliance officer: as written in bylaws

Programs/Special Events - Searches and secures speakers and programs of interest for the general membership meeting

Identifies pond and water garden sources for programs

Makes contact and schedule speakers, explaining our interest and what audio/visual equipment is available for their use

Plans periodic interactive programs dedicated to the exchange of information and ideas amond the attendees at the general membership meeting

Plans and oversees events outside the regular monthly meetings

Plan and coordinate special "members only" events throughout the year

Plan and coordinate trips, outings, and other activities, not necessarily pond related, for the purpose of socializing and building relationship with the APS

Membership - maintains list of members, sends renewal notices, maintains membership roster and collects/deposits membership dues. Copy information packs for new members. 

Creates and supplies name tags at each meeting, reports to board number of members at regular meeting

Pond Tour Director - Oversees and coordinates all activities related to the annual pond tour

Sets up committees to handle volunteers, publicity, ticket sales, program printing, t-shirt design and purchase

Selects appropriate ponds and works with pond owners to insure compliance with rules and acceptibility of the ponds (no outlawed plants, etc.)

Coordinates the world famous SPLASH party. Director and committee works together as a team

Public Relations/Publicity - Places advertisements, issues press releases and coordinates social media exposure.

Handles major publicity by placing notices, news articles, and sending press releases to local media event sites and for TV and radio exposure.

Hospitality - Provides refreshments at general member meetings/SPLASH and when requested for special events

Sets up food and beverages prior to the meeting time

Replenishes serving pieces when necessary/works within our APS budget

Cleans up and puts kitchen back to proper order

Webmaster - Maintains the APS website/Facebook

Adds and deletes content as necessary

Monitors pond tour ticket sales throught the website

Librarian - Maintains the APS book and periodical inventory

Makes available APS book for lending and tracks the users of these loaned materials - purchase new items 

Historian - Captures the activities of the APS through photographs or videos

Attend meetings, events, and gatherings and takes formal and candid photographs

Makes photographs available to the webmaster

Austin Pond Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 2220 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78746

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